Complimentary setup / design services
Provider of stellar 5-star Google reviews

Savings available for bulk purchases
Delivery anywhere in Africa

Daily printing services available
Flexibility in quantity, size, color, & shapes
Enhance your professional identity with Badge & Tags
At Badge & Tags, we understand the importance of leaving a lasting impression with customized identification solutions. Our dedication is reflected in our provision of top-tier name badges and tags, meticulously crafted to enhance your brand presence and foster unity among your staff, regardless of whether you represent a corporation, educational institution, medical center, or any other organization.

Explore our stunning designs, presenting unforgettable creations crafted for our cherished clients!

Your Premier Name Badges & Tags Partner IN SOUTH AFRICA
Discover exceptional custom name badges at unbeatable prices with Badge & Tags. Place your order online through our shop and get it delivered anywhere within the African continent.
As industry leaders, we're committed to quality and customer satisfaction. Elevate your identity with our unique name tags - your go-to destination for standout professional representation.
Some of our clients